1- It is going to be a massive company with a lot of revenue. High Revenue means more money in the pockets of those who invest early. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to invest in Apple, Microsoft or any of the like but imagine if You would have invested in its infancy. What would the rewards have been? Investment is a risk but In Apple's infancy there was that same risk. You have to be bold and look at the upside of the potential gain. Yes, it is a gamble, but so is everything. Without risk there isn't a chance of great reward. And at least your investing in a person and American 's economy, capitalism, and helping to create more jobs.
2 - You will be part of bringing a service to the mainstream that will help job seekers find jobs easier and streamlining the process of hiring of the right people for the job within the company that uses the service.
3 - Cost to provde the service will be lower than what a company spends on recruitment now
4 - Your investment will either be doubled or you will be getting a check every month after 1-2 years. The check will be from the profits of the previous month. So you will make money. There is only one way you wouldnt and that would be if you dont invest. If I cant raise the capital to at least cover the cost of creating the fundamentals of what I need to build the company. That will only happen if people dont invest. What do you have to lose? One share is $100, anyone can afford that but the more you invest, the more money you will make.
5 - The company not only is it a financial investment but its an investment in helping people find jobs easier. Thats an altruistic causes well as financial. The unemployment rate is sky high and people are desperate about finding jobs lately. So its an investment you can feel great about.
6 - If you own a company, you will benefit by using the service. As an Invester who invests in the company, I will not charge them for using the service so it will be free for investors who buy at least 100 shares in my company.
7 - Once I have the company set up and its profitable, I plan to use some of the profit to invest in other people, communities, schools, scholarships, etc. That will be possible because people invested in me and my company so that will also be possible because of you. If people dont invest in my company than I wont be able to do any of that and start my company.
8 - I am an underdog. Everyone loves a story about an underdog going the distance and succeeding. Its probably the best kind of story ever told. There are countless examples. You have a chance to play a part in my story of the underdog going the distance and succeeding. I will succeed. I have the drive and determination to succeed and persistence is my middle name. I cant think of too many things that I didn't persist with. I dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing but my wife used to compare me to Don Quiote, forever tilting at windmills. I take that to mean that I have a drive and determination thats coupled with principles and never giving up no matter what gets tossed in my path. I always find a way to overcome any problem. In my younger days, I was a great salesman - I sold cars, windows, and business newsletters. I liked sales but sometimes it put into positions that I shouldnt have been in. I found out that your reputation is only as good as the company you work for and I found a couple of businesses that shouldnt have been selling things.
So to wrap it all up - If you invest you will at least double your money and/or collect a monthly check of the profits. You can feel good about investing in my company because I am an underdog and the business will provide me with an income to support my family and it will have a direct impact on the unemployment rate. It will be cost effective for a company to use the service. By investing and I succeed - it will allow me to do the same for others and for communities. If you buy a larger chunk of shares you will be allowed to use the service for free as long as you own shares in the company. It is a great opportunity to make a lot of money, obviously there are risks but I feel very confident and sure that Failing is not an option. I have everything figured out and how it will maintain profitable.
If you are planning to buy at least 100 shares or more, I can probably give you a better price on the shares. They are limited in quantity. You can Donate, Invest and support my company by spreading around my website. Any help will be appreciated.
Thank You,
Mike T
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