
Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Piece of the Business - Stock for your Money

I figured that I would give in and for every $100 you will get one share of stock in the company.  Once I raise the funds I will go to a lawyer and have him draw up the papers.  So instead of just donating, you will get stock in the company.  The stock will be non voting stock, so I retain the direction of the company which was the most important thing for me.  So now people have a vested interest.  The money that Im raising is for professionals to build the website and applications, equipment that I need, hire employees, pay a lawyer, etc.  The company will revitalize business services as well as integration with the general public.  When I found the web developer that I wanted, they said it will take a max of 6-9 months to build the website.  If I could get the developer to build my website and apps on a contingency, I would.  Just to have the website built was ball parked at $100,000 and thats not including apps, hosting, a web master that I have to hire, advertising, and the layer ball parked at $80,000.  I have a plan and its just that I have very little capital and no collateral, so that leaves me with the only option of excepting donations or selling stock in the company.  Please help me - Buy some stock.  Its a limited amount.  Its only $100, anyone can buy it.  Please spread the website around and buy, buy, buy!

Monday, October 22, 2012

An Average guy with a great idea - Double your Money

I PROMISE THAT ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS MY BUSINESS IDEA AND PROVIDES SOME MONEY - I WILL PAY YOU BACK. If it is a year until I can - I will pay you 50% interest. If it takes more than a year, then I WILL DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BY PROVIDING 100% INTEREST!!! It is a business venture and there are risks. I could flop but persistance is my middle name!!! If it flops I will try to pay back until I breathe no more!!! So Whats $5 to you? It may be a pack of smokes, 2 coffees from starbucks but it means a lot to me. If u can invest, invest as much as u can up to 1,000!! If you dont have 5 dollars or u just can't, then don't. Im sure you can support my business whenI get it up and running. If you think $5 up to $1,000 is a rip off, what is it that your going to lose - $5? I am a real person with a real idea and even with paying double back, it still makes more sense than going with a venture capital firm - I can't afford to lose an arm!!! So Thank u in advance.